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Ms. Qiu's portfolio covers the Department of Trade in Services and Commercial Services, the Department of Foreign Affairs...


Qiu Hong, female, ethnic Han, is a native of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. She was born in March 1961 and is a member of the CPC. Qiu holds a master’s degree in linguistics from the University of Leeds of the United Kingdom.

From 1983, Qiu worked as a teacher at the English Department of the Beijing Foreign Studies University. From 1992 till 1998, she worked successively at the European Affairs Department and the General Office in the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade and later the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. From 1998 to 2008, Qiu worked in the General Office of the State Council. She was promoted to Deputy Director General in 1999 and Director General in 2003.

In March 2008, Qiu was appointed Assistant Minister and member of the CPC Leadership Group of the Ministry of Commerce.